The stage nestles in the protected landscape of the Sierra del Maigmó and El Cid, one of the areas of greatest scenic beauty in the province. We climb to the top of the Silla del Cid, at 1.127 metres above sea level, one of the most emblematic elevations in the Medio Vinalopó district due to its characteristic shape of a saddle. During the descent we can enjoy a beautiful panoramic view of the municipality and Petrer Castle.
We set off from Xorret de Catí following the trail signposted "Rabosa", taking us along a road with a pretty pond restored by Alicante County Council, for the conservation of amphibians and dragonflies.
The route runs along a dirt track, passing by the Shrine of Catí and after going over Amoros hill we arrive at the La Rabosa hostel, next to a huge pine forest, from where many hiking routes start.
The natural vegetation of the area is dominated by the Aleppo pine and the kermes oak. The holm oak has virtually disappeared, except in some of the wetter, shadier areas. As for birds, these are numerous, and include golden eagles (which nest in nearby areas), the goshawk, the eagle owl, also nesting, or the sparrowhawk.
We are heading for the singular shrine next to the hostel, and then descend along a dirt track until we reach a ravine. We continue our journey along the bed of the ravine, next to thick vegetation, until reaching the track where we begin our ascent.
We climb through the shady area of El Cid, going through a forest of pines and kermes oaks, until we reach the Contador hill, where you can enjoy wonderful views, before concluding our ascent to the summit of the El Cid mountain.
From this point, facing north you can see the summits of the Maigmó and Maigmonet, the Sierra de Bèrnia and the Sierra de Aitana. To the South, Petrer, Elda, Monóvar and Novelda.
We descend along a pretty, zigzagging trail that runs through the shady area until you reach the foot of the mountain, where we will find an asphalt road that will take us to Petrer, with a beautiful view of the castle.