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Jijona / Xixona

Jijona stretches along the slopes of la Peña Roja, where it is said that were cultivated honey beehives used by the Muslim hedonists to create the turrón (nougat). This typical product and its famous ice creams collaborate to the fact that nowadays this city is almost globally renowned.  It presents some rain-fed agriculture, especially the one of the almond trees, essential for the turrón manufacture. It presents a well-preserved Arab quarter worth of being visited especially during the summer when people search cold places.

Jijona/Xixona in Social Network:


Useful Information

  • Dirección Av. de la Constitucio, 6
  • Código postal 03100
  • Teléfono 96 561 03 00
  • Email​
  • Web

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