4. The Mountain Castle Route

This route offers the visitor the chance to have a radically different experience. The rough terrain of the Catalan Pre-Coastal Region and the pleasant life of the mountain populations are a good alternative to the hustle and bustle of the coast. The forts located in the high, rocky limestone overlook spectacular valleys furrowed by fierce streams. In the middle of this landscape –especially recommendable for those who love hiking, local stews, and meandering through the streets of small villages– are the forts which were controlled by the mythic Al-Azraq and which, later, after the Christian Reconquest, fell into the hands of military orders like the Montesa, Hospital, and El Temple orders.

The Arabic mark is still present in the villas and old farmsteads where Almohad towers proliferate – these constructions being restored as modern-day lookout points for the contemplative enjoyment of the leisurely traveler. An Eastern echo also remains in the abandoned Moorish areas and in the walled Moorish territories of Alcoy and Cocentaina. This is an unforgettable mark which is composed of plot boundary markers constructed in dry stone, said plots being fed by waters which flow from diversion dams through irrigation ditches known as azarbes and acequias.

Benifallim: Castillo de Benifallim.

Torremanzanas: Torre de les Maçanes.

Jijona: Castillo de la Torre Grossa.

Tibi: Castillo de Tibi.

Onil: Castillo-Palacio fortificado del Marqués de dos Aguas.

Alcoy: Castillo de Barxell, Murallas de la ciudad de Alcoy.

Cocentaina: Murallas de la ciudad, Castillo-torre feudal, Palau Comtal, Castillo de Penella.

Agres: Castillo de Agres.

Almudaina: Torre de Almudaina.

Alcoleja: Palacio de Malferit.

Balones: Castillo de la Costurera o de Seta.

Planes: Castillo de Planes.

Lorcha: Castillo de Perputxent.

Vall de Gallinera: Castillo de Alcalá  o de Benissili, Castillo de Beniarrama.


You can't miss...

Natural Parks

Nature in all its splendor is revealed in the natural parks atop Alicante’s Mountains. The Sierra de Mariola and El Carrascar
de la Font Roja Natural Parks are surprising because of their flora and fauna.

Tourism resources

Hiking, all terrain biking, green belts, climbing, canyoning, caving, etc. Active tourism and routes with beautiful scenery
share the stage with picturesque villages full of charm.

Gastronomic offer

Typical dishes such as pericana, bajoques farcides, minxos, olleta de blat, gazpacho, and important regional delights,
like Turrón de Xixona and Alcoy spirits, are a must.

Typical products

Oil from local mills competes with the flavor of handcrafted honey, herbero from Mariola, regional cherries, and outstanding


The Moros y Cristianos Festival triumphs. The Alcoy Festival, in April, is considered to be of International Touristic Interest. Don’t forget “Enfarinats,” in Ibi, or the attractive Three Kings Parade