Getting here

The 9 million passengers that have landed at the Alicante-Elche airport this year and the opening of the AVE (high-speed train) have brought the province even closer to the rest of the world

The Costa Blanca is well-connected with the main Spanish cities and a large number of European cities in countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Ireland, Germany, Norway and Holland. The Alicante-Elche airport has received over nine million visitors this year, who have taken advantage of the wide range of flight options and airlines operating in the area, making it the fifth largest airport in Spain in terms of air traffic and passengers. Once visitors have arrived at the airport, there is a network of buses to take them to their final destination within the province.


Another transport option is the AVE. Alicante has welcomed this high-speed train, which offers a fast and comfortable method of transport for travelling to Madrid in just over two hours. You can also travel by train to other Spanish cities – although not high-speed trains like the AVE, they nevertheless meet the expectations of even the most demanding travellers.


Travelling by car is another recommended option, given the excellent road network connecting different parts of the country and the motorways which connect the region with other countries.


We must not forget the option of travelling by boat. In fact, a number of Mediterranean cruise ships arriving from different countries make a stopover in Alicante.