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Platja Muchavista

El Campello with a coastline of more than 20km and all kind of beaches, such as the one of Muchavista, next to San Juan in Alicante, which is quite popular, and the small rocky coves of el Barranco de Aguas or Cala del Cuartel, where you can practice nudism, or dark sand coves such as Baeza and Piteras. This one is a regenerated beach that offers accesses for disabled people.

Useful Information

  • Municipio Campello (El)
  • Web El Campello
  • Email

Location Map


  • Accesible minusválidos
  • Transporte público
  • Pasarelas
  • Alojamientos
  • Ferrocarril
  • Bar Restaurante
  • Vigilancia Salvamento
  • Aparcamientos
  • Hamacas
  • Cruz Roja
  • Deportes Naúticos
  • Papeleras
  • Sombrillas