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Banyeres de Mariola

Next to Sierra de Mariola is located this municipality, the highest town in the province of Alicante. This orographic fact determines its appearance: a set of steep streets that culminate with the slender and white hermitage of Santo Cristo. Its old town preserves magnificent examples of medieval architecture, such as the castle of Almohad origin that currently houses the Museo de la Festa de Moros y Cristianos. One of the most appreciated places for the inhabitants is la Font del Cavaller, as well as the Villa Rosario Park where the Aula de la Naturaleza is located.  It is worth to contemplate the Moors and Christians parades that were declared as being a festivity of Tourist Interest.

Banyeres de Mariola in Social Network:


  • /Esp/Descubre_la_Costa_Blanca/La_Costa_Blanca/PublishingImages/BANYERES DE MARIOLA/1.jpg
  • /Esp/Descubre_la_Costa_Blanca/La_Costa_Blanca/PublishingImages/BANYERES DE MARIOLA/2.jpg
  • /Esp/Descubre_la_Costa_Blanca/La_Costa_Blanca/PublishingImages/BANYERES DE MARIOLA/4.jpg
  • /Esp/Descubre_la_Costa_Blanca/La_Costa_Blanca/PublishingImages/BANYERES DE MARIOLA/5.jpg
  • /Esp/Descubre_la_Costa_Blanca/La_Costa_Blanca/PublishingImages/BANYERES DE MARIOLA/6.jpg
  • /Esp/Descubre_la_Costa_Blanca/La_Costa_Blanca/PublishingImages/BANYERES DE MARIOLA/7.jpg

Useful Information

  • Dirección Plaça L´Ajuntament, 1
  • Código postal 03450
  • Teléfono 96 656 73 15
  • Email
  • Web

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