Skip Navigation LinksBENIDOLEIG


It is a small agricultural town located at the foot of Sierra de Seguili. It is quiet and presents steep and winding streets, its main economic activity is based on the almond and olive trees. The most significant element of Benidoleig is the Cueva de Calaveras, named like this because there were found 12 skulls when it was discovered in 1768. Cavanilles said that they were the remains of the Muslims that died during the exploration of the caves. It presents fossil remains from the Bronze and Neolithic Age, and a passable corridor that leads to an inland lagoon.

  • /Esp/Descubre_la_Costa_Blanca/La_Costa_Blanca/PublishingImages/BENIDOLEIG/benidoleig_-_ficha01.jpg

Useful Information

  • Dirección Padre Caselles, 1
  • Código postal 03759
  • Teléfono 96 640 42 05

Location Map