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The castle of Biar imposes its presence while you are approaching the town. Biar is a typical inland mountainous village that presents an unusual and geometric urbanistic picture around its castle, and a rehabilitated old town. Its natural fertile environment offers all kinds of possibilities for hikers, with well-equipped recreational and camping areas.

There are several accommodation options such as a public initiative hotel, some rural houses and hostels. Going down from the castle to Plaza del Ayuntamiento, you cross the old preserved and renovated town, full of fountains and stairs. In Plaza del Ayuntamiento you can find a Renaissance Gothic church dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin, with its Plateresque façade, which we recommend you to visit.

The other great attraction of the town resides in the beautiful landscape formed by the surrounding mountains, filled with vegetation, predominating the aromatic plants. We can also find ravines, cliffs or mountains such as the Reconco (1206 m.), the Cabezo Gros (1601 m.) or the Frare (1042 m.) in Biar.

Biar in Social Network:


  • /Esp/Descubre_la_Costa_Blanca/La_Costa_Blanca/PublishingImages/BIAR/biar - ficha 01.jpg
  • /Esp/Descubre_la_Costa_Blanca/La_Costa_Blanca/PublishingImages/BIAR/biar - ficha 02.jpg
  • /Esp/Descubre_la_Costa_Blanca/La_Costa_Blanca/PublishingImages/BIAR/biar - ficha 03.jpg

Useful Information

  • Dirección Plaza Constitución , 1
  • Código postal 03410
  • Teléfono 96 581 03 74
  • Email​
  • Web

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