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Callosa de Segura

The reddish Sierra de Callosa protects this important city of the Segura orchard by its north. It is a town of historical and traditional heritage, currently dedicated to the agricultural and industrial industry of footwear and nets. Callosa del Segura maintains its medieval Muslim structure and conserves architectural jewels such as the Iglesia Arciprestal de San Martín, declared as being a National Monument in 1980, and one of the most notable examples of Gothic and Renaissance art in the province. You can go for a walk through the old town, starting from San Martín Church to San Roque Hermitage from which you can enjoy the views of the Vega Baja del Segura district. You can also take other trips through the Segura orchard and groves, through the mountain and its paths.

  • /Esp/Descubre_la_Costa_Blanca/La_Costa_Blanca/PublishingImages/CALLOSA DE SEGURA/callosa_de_sarria_-_ficha01.jpg

Useful Information

  • Dirección Plaza de España, 1
  • Código postal 03360
  • Teléfono 96 531 05 50
  • Email

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