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The population of Cox is located in one of the most charming places in the Spanish Southeast.

This beautiful town is surrounded by a beautiful and rich garden at the foot of Sierra de Callosa and located 16 meters above the sea level. Cox is included in the "Ruta de la Piedra" with Callosa and Orihuela.

The good weather, temperate and Mediterranean, and its fertile orchard irrigated by the waters of the Segura river, made possible the life and development of its population immersed in the past in a subsistence agricultural economy. Cox is currently one of the most dynamic towns in the area, with a thriving commercial development of fruits and vegetables that was rapidly expanded to unsuspected limits for a modest population in number.

The small municipality of Cox is located in the southeast of the province, next to Callosa de Segura and Orihuela, and is primarily dedicated to the agriculture of vegetables, and its subsequent commercialization, either in warehouses and export or directly in the markets of all the zone, having an important industrial estate where we find companies that commercialize mainly fruits and vegetables

The inhabitants are also dedicated to the manufacture of construction materials, such as joists and irons. The town is close to the Sierra de Callosa in a flat and fertile area. It stands out for its castle-palace of Santa Bárbara, recently restored, and next to it there is a hermitage.  You can access there by a Via Crucis. Cox is also related with the life of the poet Miguel Hernández from Orihuela, because his girlfriend Josefina Maresa lived there, with whom he would marry and have a son. Consequently this town is currently included in the Ruta Hernandiana.

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Useful Information

  • Dirección Plaza Glorieta, 1
  • Código postal 03350
  • Teléfono 96 536 00 00
  • Email
  • Web

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