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Due to its proximity to the capital city of Alicante, the municipality of Mutxamel has been considered part of the Alicante vegetable garden and a summer destination for the capital citizens, who built noble mansions such as the one of Conde de Montemar or the Palacio de los Peñacerrada. Nowadays it has something of a dormitory city due to its good communications and its proximity to strategic places such as the University or the Airport. It also has a good level of industrial facilities. In terms of its urban physiognomy highlights the Parish Church and its Gothic tower of the fourteenth century. It conserves a good amount of agriculture, especially the tomato, whose variety has great importance and fame for its exquisite quality. The works of canalization, ditches and dams or diversion dam of the Monnegre River are interesting.

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Useful Information

  • Dirección Av.Carlos Soler, 46
  • Código postal 03110
  • Teléfono 96 595 59 10
  • Email
  • Web

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