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​For a long time, the agriculture was the main source of wealth in Sax, with its vineyards, olive and cereal crops in drylands, the classic Mediterranean trilogy, and a small orchard near the town irrigated by the Vinalopó river, where vegetables, legumes and fruit trees were harvested. In the last century and the beginning of the present one there were artisan industries derived from agricultural products, such as flour mills, fulling mills, distilleries, oriental curtains and cardboard products. At this time, most of the active population of Sax works in the industrial sector (footwear, blinds, leather goods, furniture), without forgetting the continued importance of the agriculture, especially the culture of the vine essential for the wine production. 

  • /Esp/Descubre_la_Costa_Blanca/La_Costa_Blanca/PublishingImages/SAX/sax_-_ficha01.jpg
  • /Esp/Descubre_la_Costa_Blanca/La_Costa_Blanca/PublishingImages/SAX/sax_-_ficha02.jpg

Useful Information

  • Dirección Plaza Constitucion,1
  • Código postal 03630
  • Teléfono 96 547 40 06
  • Email
  • Web

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